King of the Hill Wiki
King of the Hill Wiki

Roger "Booda" Sack is a former stand-up comedian as shown in "Traffic Jam". He soon became an employee at Strickland Propane from then on, being a deliveryman in his role. He was originally voiced by Chris Rock in his debut episode, whereas in later appearances he is voiced by Phil LaMarr.


Roger is an African-American man with a skinny build, a bald head. He wears


Most of his personal relations in the series involve his relative computer expertise. Roger has proctored an online quiz that determined Hank to be a racist based on superficial evidence, then taught him how to play video games and navigate social media on other occasions.


Season 2[]

When he first appeared, Roger, known as "Booda Sack", was teaching at "Defensive Driving School" in "Traffic Jam" after his comedy career ended due to an inappropriate television appearance on Moesha. Everyone thought the class was funny except for Hank, who was shocked and embarrassed by Sack's crude humor. As an aspiring comedian, Bobby was a fan of Booda. Hank brought Bobby to a class, in an attempt to demonstrate that his hero is sad and lonely because of his poor life choices. The plan backfired when Bobby was invited to help Booda roast Hank, who complained to Booda's manager, getting him fired.

While asking for advice on his own material, Booda criticizes Bobby's appropriation of Black humor, and advises Bobby to get in touch with his "white roots" and write material from his own ethnic perspective. Bobby, unaware of his "white roots," inadvertently researches white supremacist websites with Joseph.

Trying out his new extremely racist act, the audience at Booda's club turns on Bobby, becoming belligerent. With Hank too late to stop Bobby, Booda comes to the rescue, helping him win back the audience with the boy's older material. To thank him for saving his son, Hank offers Booda a job at Strickland Propane. The episode ends with Hank and Booda, now called by his real name "Roger", having a back-and-forth "Yo Mama" roast. Hank's jokes are predictably lame, but Roger humors him anyway.

Season 3[]

In "Take Me Out of the Ball Game", Roger and other Strickland Propane employees played on the Strickland Propane baseball team to compete against the baseball teams of other businesses.

Season 11[]

In "Grand Theft Arlen", when Buck Strickland discovered that a couple of students made the video game Pro-Pain! which included the likeness of Strickland Propane, he had his employees check out the game. Accordingly, Roger played the game and demonstrated the gameplay to Hank, the latter of whom was surprised at the violence. Since he had to make a delivery, Roger announced his leave and reminded Hank that police officers were the bad guys in the game.

Later, Roger was briefly seen in "Lucky's Wedding Suit" at Lucky and Luanne's wedding dancing inside the Hill residence after the bride and groom took their vows.


  • Hank considers Roger to be a better employee than Joe Jack, on par with Enrique.
  • Chris Rock was also replaced by Phil LaMarr in Ozzy and Drix.
  • Roger's original stage name was Busta Nut, but this was rejected by Fox censors.[citation needed]

Episode appearances[]


