King of the Hill Wiki
King of the Hill Wiki

Leventhal[1] is a student at Tom Landry Middle School. He is a frequent background character throughout the TV show. Although he virtually never speaks, he speaks once in the Season 12 episode "Bobby Rae".


Leventhal is a young boy with a skinny build, short brown hair, and pale skin. He can be distinguished from other students by his baggy, light-green shirt with two dark-green stripes across the sleeves and upper chest, as well as his tan shorts.


Beyond being a silent background character, notable instances of Leventhal's presence in the show include Bobby Hill frantically asking him to spread the word that he and Connie were allegedly dating again,[2] as well as when he remarked that Bobby had gone mad during the latter's rant about the middle school's numerous soda machines.[3] Later, Leventhal was running in the hallway but tripped and fell on his stomach, making fellow students like Joseph and Bobby laugh.[4]

Episode appearances[]

Season 2[]

Season 3[]

Season 4[]

Season 5[]

Season 6[]

Season 7[]

Season 8[]

Season 9[]

Season 10[]

Season 11[]

Season 12[]

Season 13[]

