Justin is a parishioner at Arlen First Methodist Church and the husband of Sue. He only appears once in the Season 11 episode "The Passion of the Dauterive".
Justin is an adult Caucasian man with a skinny build, pale skin, and short, curly blond hair. He wears a light-blue dress shirt, navy-blue jeans, and dark-brown shoes.
Season 11[]
When Reverend Stroup began openly dating Bill Dauterive, Justin and the parishioners at Arlen First Methodist Church were horrified at the revelation. One night, he and his wife Sue went to see the horror movie He's in the House, but they were surprised to see Bill and Karen outside the movie theater. They immediately tried to walk away, but Stroup noticed them and said hello, prompting them to turn around and awkwardly greet them. Stroup joked that she was going to hold onto Bill during the horror movie, Justin listened in discomfort. While in the theater, during the screening, he and the other moviegoers were scared not by the movie, but by Bill and Stroup making out with each other.