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Not to be confused with Judy or Judy (The Exterminator).

Judy Barnes is a representative of Cozy Kitchen. She appeared in the episode "Peggy's Gone to Pots."


Judy is an adult Caucasian woman with a skinny build, tan skin, and long brown hair tied in a ponytail. She wears a pearl necklace, white earrings, and a pink dress with a pink rose on the left side and a blue shirt underneath.


Season 11[]

Peggy volunteered to take Ted and Cindy Wassanasong's sales for Cozy Kitchen off their hands. Subsequently, Judy came by Peggy's house to tell her about her sales, which were quite difficult and expensive to sell off. On occasion, Judy visited the Hill residence looking for the money that Peggy was supposed to give her, acting in a friendly but threatening fashion, even opening Peggy's garage with a crow bar to put more products inside.

To escape the contract, Peggy tried faking her death with Dale. Being invited to Peggy's place, Judy was impatient about receiving a check, but Peggy assured her that she would talk with her after her Cozy Kitchen presentation. During the kitchenware presentation, Dale pretended to be angry with Peggy and pretend-fought with her out of the house. Confused, Judy watched them enter the backyard and into a shed, which exploded seconds later. Walking up to the debris, she and the others saw the floorboards beneath the shed fall apart, revealing Dale and Peggy. While warning Rusty Shackleford to stay away, Dale noted in amazement that a Cozy Kitchen frying pan was unharmed by the explosion, impressing the neighbors who witnessed this scene. Judy informed Peggy that she could be free of Cozy Kitchen if she let her be included in the fake death scheme so that she could escape Cozy Kitchen's reach as well, so Peggy agreed.

