King of the Hill Wiki
King of the Hill Wiki

Jimmy Wichard (voiced by David Herman) is a character appearing in various situations that the main characters are in.


Dale Gribble has encountered Jimmy Wichard most often, and describes him as moronic, resulting from staring at the sun for too long, adding that "He couldn't have been too smart to do something like that in the first place. Kind of a chicken and egg thing." Dale also reveals that Jimmy was a member of the Arlen Gun Club at one point. In "Ceci N'est Pas Une King of the Hill", it is suggested that Jimmy is inbred, which is another possible explanation for his mental state.

He took his G.E.D. Test. On one occasion, he was there to scold Lucky for allegedly cheating.[1]

Jimmy works at the Arlen Speedway.[2][3] During Bobby's concession stand gig, Jimmy was his boss, subjecting him to verbal abuse and incompetence, among other things, on a daily basis. Despite this, Hank ignored Bobby's complaints until being informed about his idiocy by Dale. The last straw for Hank was when Jimmy nearly killed Bobby by ordering him to cross the racetrack during an active race. Hank, infuriated, ran across the track himself and, with rage-driven strength, kicked down a protective fence designed to withstand a crashing race car to chase Jimmy down, literally and mercilessly kicking his ass.

He also collected cans with Cotton Hill, and made artwork with Peggy Hill. He once tried to sue a company for choking on a warning label placed on a product stating it is a choking hazard, but it was unknown if that became a lawsuit.

Jimmy and some other men were hired by Peter Sterling to stage a beating. Peter had arranged this in order to dissuade Bobby from pursuing a career like his at the behest of Hank. However, Jimmy goes overboard with the sham fight, resulting in Peter's hospitalization.


Jimmy Wichard is often seen acting defensively, stubbornly, irrationally, disorderly, aggressively, dangerously, with hostility, and at times outright insane. He demonstrates cognitive impairments, and hesitates before making decisions.[4] When he finally makes a decision, it usually is the wrong one.

He was told by Dr. Robert Vayzosa from "The Substitute Spanish Prisoner" to be an idiot savant with Rain Man-like abilities, by telling him he guessed correctly regarding how many toothpicks are in a box. Other times when he gets confused is when Peggy said she pulled her thumb off, not noticing the mistake he made with a calculator, not understanding he was paid for his artwork, and forgetting that he likes to collect cans.

There are occasions where Jimmy actually helps people. One time was when Peter asked him to stage a fight. He shows up with a mob to attack Peter.[4] Another time is when he and Peggy collaborated to recover swindled money.[3]

It is uncertain how malevolent Jimmy actually is. Some of his ignorance might be fraudulent. Examples are when he tried to kill Bobby considering that he ordered Bobby to cross the active raceway instead of using the tunnel system. Later, Jimmy filed a lawsuit regarding his choking on the choking hazard warning label.

Jimmy loves cans[2][5][6] and hates cheating.[1][3]

Episode Appearances[]

  • Season 2
    • "Life in the Fast Lane, Bobby's Saga" ā€” First visual appearance where he was the boss at a concession stand at Arlen Raceway where he literally got his ass kicked by Hank for trying to make Bobby give him a soda across the track during a race.
  • Season 5
    • "When Cotton Comes Marching Home" ā€” Jimmy is seen with Cotton, along with Hank watching him and Cotton, getting the money from collecting cans from the manager at Pink & White's recycling center. Cotton disagrees and wants the money, saying that he is broke. Jimmy is seen again later in the episode when Cotton starts to show him "how to count" by throwing cans at him.
  • Season 6
  • Season 8
    • "Ceci N'est Pas Une King of the Hill" ā€” Jimmy makes art (little people made from beer cans) and is praised by art critics for it. However, when his work sells, he gets angry: "Don't take away my guys!". Jimmy is eventually pacified when the art dealer sponsoring the show promises to give him more cans instead of money.
  • Season 10
    • "Business Is Picking Up" ā€” Jimmy is seen bullying Peter Sterling, who owns and operates a very successful business which specializes in picking up animal droppings and cleaning out Port-a-Johns.
    • "Edu-macating Lucky" ā€” Jimmy is seen taking a GED test when Lucky goes to take the test, which whom he is sitting next to, which Lucky says out loud remembering that the value of Pi R squared is 90210, which Jimmy tells him that he just gave away the answer, and covers his test from Lucky.
  • Season 11
    • "Lucky's Wedding Suit" ā€” Jimmy is in the lawyers office. He wants to sue somebody because he ate the warning label and choked on it.
  • Season 13
    • "Bill Gathers Moss" ā€” Jimmy is seen being interviewed by Hank and the others to see if he would be a good room mate for Bill, but during the interview, he said that he wants the house and a sign outside the front door that says "Jimmy's House".


