King of the Hill Wiki
King of the Hill Wiki

Enrique is a truck driver at Strickland Propane. He is the husband of Yolanda and the father of Inez.


Enrique is a middle-aged Mexican man with black hair and a thin pencil mustache. He is usually seen wearing a Strickland Propane work uniform consisting of a black jacket, a blue and white Strickland Propane hat, and blue jeans.

History and Personality[]

When he first appears, when he is a much more soft-spoken character, and it is implied that he came to work illegally in the United States to support his family back home- although later episodes clearly depict his family as living in Arlen (perhaps he sent for them once he had made enough money, though). He's also portrayed as a smoker in early seasons. In later appearances, his manner of speaking changes entirely and he becomes a loud-mouth, annoying member of the Strickland Propane family.

In "Enrique-cilable Differences," Hank and Enrique had hardly ever talked to each other before, much to Hank's satisfaction, but suddenly Enrique forcibly befriends Hank after a nasty fight with his wife Yolanda. Enrique ends up moving in with the Hills for a short time, but quickly patches things up with his wife. He thinks the world of Hank, even asking him to speak at his daughter's quinceañera instead of Buck Strickland. Enrique has made several appearances over the entirety of the show's run. He does seem to be a Mexican version of Hank, both with his work and his name "Enrique" is the Spanish version of "Henry", Hank's full given name.

He was voiced by Eloy Casados from Seasons 1-3, by Mike Judge in "Full Metal Dust Jacket", and by Danny Trejo from Seasons 7-13.

Episode appearances[]

Season 1[]

Season 2[]

Season 3[]

Season 4[]

Season 5[]

Season 6[]

Season 7[]

Season 8[]

Season 9[]

Season 10[]

Season 11[]

Season 12[]

Season 13[]

