For other characters named Don, see Don (disambiguation). Don is the Chairman of the County Commission. He only appears once in the Season 11 episode "SerPUNt".
Don is an adult Caucasian man with a stocky build, pale skin, and short black hair. He wears a dark-brown suit, a white dress shirt, a black necktie, and black shoes.
Season 11[]
When the Heimlich County Animal Control reported on a python being released into the sewers, Arlen citizens were greatly concerned and called the County Commission's office to complain. Subsequently, Don summoned Tommy and Rollo to a meeting and demanded that they catch the snake. When Tommy presented a brief slideshow of the python's size and how he needed hazard pay, Don was hesitant about the funding since the County Commission's budget was already tight. In response, Don's colleague claimed that it was a crisis of public safety and chastised Don for allegedly being soft on snakes. Seeing the crowd's disapproval, Don retorted that nobody hated snakes more than he did. Wanting to appease the citizens, he proposed allocating more funding toward snake eradication, causing his colleague to specify that they should allocate all money necessary.
Later, after Dale Gribble and Hank Hill convinced Tommy and Rollo to actually do their job of killing the python, the three animal control employees went to the County Commission. Dale verbally resigned from his position, but Don, like his colleagues, wondered if they still needed to pass Bond Measure S, a law that would allocate more funding to the County Animal Control. Although Tommy immediately rebuked Bond Measure S at the meeting, Don and the commission members officially passed the bond upon the issue receiving enough votes from Arlen citizens.