King of the Hill Wiki
King of the Hill Wiki

Chane Wassanasong is the spoiled, mean-spirited son of Ted Wassanasong and Cindy Wassanasong. He attends Tom Landry Middle School with Bobby Hill and Connie Souphanousinphone. He is voiced by Pamela Adlon.


Kahn frequently pressures Connie to date Chane, as Kahn wishes to gain favor from Chane's father Ted, who sits on the membership board for the exclusive Nine Rivers Country Club.

Connie has gone out with Chane, mostly to spite Bobby and being pressured by her parents, though Connie insists that he is "a boring know-at-all who talks about himself and cheats at miniature golf." Chane was second oboe in an orchestra with Connie and was on the track team in the episode "Bobby On Track". He considers himself a ladies' man, as he tries to flirt with Connie and has flirted with her friends before. In the episode "Bobby Goes Nuts", Chane and his friends bully Bobby twice and forcibly make him eat dirt. On the second occasion, Bobby kicked Chane in the groin, causing him immense pain. After this particular episode, Chane is rarely seen bullying Bobby again, and when he does, it is only light teasing. Chane develops some semblance of respect for Bobby during "Bobby On Track" and "Stressed For Success" due to Bobby's skills influencing extracurricular teams, although he still calls Bobby the vulgar nickname "Booby Hill" (a play on the slang word "boobies"). Chane is seen in the episode "Lucky's Wedding Suit" attending Luanne's wedding with his family in the background and smiling. In "Bobby Rae", he impatiently told Bobby to pick a soda from the machine, but Bobby suddenly shouted an anti-soda rant to his surprise.

Chane physically looks more like his father, but he is meaner and less manipulative than Ted. It is revealed in "Won't You Pimai Neighbor?" that Chane has often been pushed into things he hates by Ted and Cindy; he admits to Bobby and Connie that he had no interest in being the chosen Lama Sanglug reincarnation despite his parents' coaxing because Lamas are not allowed to get married or have girlfriends. Chane's information inadvertently led Bobby to reflect more on whether he wanted to be a Lama or Connie's boyfriend, in the end saving their relationship. Chane is also seen in "Stressed For Success" being pushed by Ted to the point of extreme duress to win the school's Quiz Bowl competition.


  • It is implied that Kahn, despite wanting his daughter to date Chane, thinks that Chane is slow/not very smart. This is verified in "The Redneck on Rainey Street" when Kahn witnesses Chane wiping his nose on his own arm before observing the resulting snot left behind curiously; Kahn's theory is further confirmed when he learns that Ted and Cindy had to bribe a school to allow Chane into its summer program. Chane is, however, shown to be very skilled in the subject of history during "Stressed for Success", reading books on Copernicus and being a member of the Quiz Bowl extracurricular club that only the honours students (and Bobby Hill, in the area of pop culture) are members of. That said, his reasoning for this seems to be to get into a university with a good frat house where he can meet girls.
  • Chane is shown to be extremely insecure and jealous of Bobby at times, even depending on Bobby when the two happen to be on the same team together in extracurricular groups.
  • As an American-born anglophone, his legal name, Chane Wassanasong is translated to Lao script as (Lao: ແຊນ ວະສະນາສົງ). The use of native script alongside a legal full name is common in Buddhist tradition and documentation, such as in birth, death, and marriage announcements. As Chane was a candidate chosen for testing to determine whether he was the reincarnated Lama Sanglug, a native origin committee of senior monks would have received reports in their native language documenting the process.
  • It is revealed in the episode A Man Without a Country Club that Ted and Cindy started forbidding Chane to date Connie as they were getting sick of Kahn and Minh, which would explain why Chane never approached Connie with any romantic intent even after Bobby and Connie broke up.

Episode Appearances[]

Season 4[]

Season 6[]

Season 8[]

Season 9[]

Season 11[]

Season 12[]

